Holistic Energy Healing
Energy Balancing for Mind, Body, Emotion & Spirit
What is Holistic Energy Healing?
Holistic Energy Healing is an approach to wellness that uses noninvasive techniques to balance the body’s energy flow. It’s based on the idea that an invisible biofield around the body contains vital energy that can become blocked, causing illnesses and imbalances. The goal of Holistic Energy Healing is to unblock the flow of energy and restore balance, promote health and well-being. These Holistic Energy Healing practices consider the whole person, including the body, mind, emotions and Spirit. Practitioners channel healing energy through their hands to assist in removing blockages and restore balance.
Holistic Energy Healing is a treatment often sought for illnesses and imbalances that are not always easily explained. The human body is more than flesh, blood and bones.
Misalignments of our subtle energies (human energy field, aura and chakras) are not as easily diagnosed because these energies are invisible to the human eye.

Holistic Energy Healers themselves are unique in how they work with energy in their healing practices. This is because many practitioners have acquired a variety of tools by attending several different energetic schools and workshops to really learn about energy healing. How they incorporate these acquired tools makes them unique.
I have been a Holistic Energy Healer for over 20 years therefore my healing sessions are unique to my various experience. Three Holistic Energy Healing approaches I have studied for and became attuned in are:
Healing Touch, Reiki and Distance Healing.
Healing Touch
Healing Touch is a gentle, relaxing and nurturing energy therapy. Gentle touch assists in balancing your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Healing Touch works with your energy field (aura) to support your natural ability to heal. It is safe for all ages and works in harmony with standard medical care.
The concept of “laying on of hands” to heal has been around since the beginning of time. In more recent times, Janet Mentgen, BSN, RN developed Healing Touch in 1989. Healing Touch Energy Therapy continues to grow ~ spreading healing Light worldwide.

Usui Reiki is the most common form of Reiki that people practice today. Reiki, a Holistic Energy Healing technique, was developed by Dr Mikao Usui, who was born in Japan in 1865. This technique is used for stress reduction and relaxation and can activate the natural healing process of the body, restore health and well-being. Reiki practitioners place their hands on or just above different areas of the body following specific hand holds. This is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through all living things. A Reiki practitioner believes that the “laying on hands” can activate the natural healing process of the client’s body restoring their health and well-being.
If one’s “life force energy” is low, then they are more likely to get sick or feel stress. And if it is high, that person is more capable of being happy, centered and healthy.
The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words- “Rei” means “a Higher Power” and “Ki” which is “life force energy.” This Holistic Energy Healing technique is based on the idea that an unseen “Universal life force energy” flows through all living things. Reiki is a subtle means of restoring and balancing the natural energy within us.
Reiki, and Healing Touch, treat the whole person including their body, mind, emotions and Spirit creating many beneficial and healing effects that include a sense of calmness, lowers stress, decreases pain, creates a relaxed state of mind & body along with feelings of peace, and well-being.
How can Healing Touch and Reiki (Holistic Energy Healing) benefit you?
- Calm anxiety, lift depression
- Lower stress
- Decrease pain
- Strengthen the immune system
- Enhance recovery from surgery
- Support cancer care
- Ease acute & chronic conditions
- Create a sense of well-being
- Deepen your spiritual connection
- Clarity of mind
- And so much more…
Healing Touch Testimonial
Barbara is an amazing healer, a beautiful woman with a loving spirit who greets everyone with an open heart. I have enjoyed attending her Qigong classes and I practice Qigong daily at home. For the past few years, I receive monthly Energy Healing sessions from her. It has changed my life in so many positive ways. I come to her feeling heavy and out of balance and after our session I feel light, peaceful, balanced and whole. My life has bloomed since knowing Barbara. My hope is that she knows what a difference she makes in this world. Her gifts to us are a blessing, they are sacred and meaningful!

Distance Healing

Distance Healing is an energetic connection that works on the principle that everything in the Universe is interconnected. This energetic connection can be transmitted across space and time with the understanding that energy transcends physical barriers.
What Is Distance Healing?
Distance Healing is a holistic practice where a healer transfers energy to a client from a distance. The goal of Distance Healing is to restore the balance of energy to support physical, mental, emotional and Spiritual well-being.
Distance Healing is a practice where seasoned Healing Practitioners open to and connect with the Universal Life Force Energy and gently direct the flow to the client for healing.
The healing practitioner will use intention and visualize their client receiving this gentle and powerful energy to help balance, heal and remove blockages from their body. This Distance Healing approach restores the client to a state of balance by unlocking their body’s natural healing abilities. It directly influences the client’s central nervous system and allows the client to relax. Once the client is relaxed physical, mental, emotional and Spiritual healing unfolds.
Distance Healing Testimonials
Colette Landeen, Tucson AZ
In March of this year I was diagnosed with recurrent Ovarian Cancer and started chemo in April. This was when I started Distance healing sessions with Barbara. I have known Barbara for many years and have experienced several in-person healing sessions as well.
Barbara suggested before my Distance healing session I prepare myself by lighting a candle, playing some meditative music, close my eyes and follow my breath. I have a notebook handy along with my rhodochrosite healing gemstone as I begin to relax. Barbara calls me at the assigned time and we talk about how I’ve been feeling, any discomforts or pain in my body, my intentions for the session and anything else I want to talk about. Then we hang up and I relax, sometimes drifting off or meditating. Thoughts of my deceased relatives or angels may come to mind or I just fall asleep.
Barbara calls me when she’s finished and shares her findings with me. Perhaps there were blockages in certain areas of my body. She shares which chakras were spinning well or which were compromised. We explore together what that might mean.
I have learned so much from her over the years in regards to my body, various chakras and ideas on how I can assist my own healing. Several times she has mentioned a problem area that I have been aware of already. These healing sessions have the power to leave me feeling whole and comforted. They help me with the fear and anxiety of the cancer treatments as well as physical discomfort. I feel calmer afterward and my body feels good with minimal discomforts. My mind and my heart feel strengthened. I always feel such a sense of peace that stays with me when my session is over.
Barbara, you are not only my friend, you are my Healer and Spiritual Teacher. I am so grateful for you.
Britt (Mbuthia) Hörling, Sweden
I have known Barbara for almost 20 years. I attended her Qigong classes and experienced Barbara’s healing sessions monthly. I found great benefit after my healing sessions and my pain diminished, feelings of calmness & peace stayed with me for days. She helped me with many physical issues.
Living thousands of miles away in another country these last few years, I have called on Barbara for Distance Healing to improve and maintain my physical health. I’ve personally experienced how Barbara connects with my body and soul across the miles! It is true that every time my healing session is over, I always feel like waking up from a very deep and restorative nap. I feel a sense of calm and peace, and more clarity of mind.
Recently, Barbara detected excessive heat in the right side of my body just below my liver. Even though I didn’t experience discomfort she encouraged me to see my doctor.
The next week I went to the doctor and had some tests done. I received the results a few days later and the doctor found problems within the area that Barbara was concerned about and discussed surgery in the near future. I was so surprised. The findings were validation that distance healing transcends physical distance, and the boundaries of space and time!
For me, Barbara is a powerful source of unconditional Love and healing and I am so grateful to have her and her healing gifts in my life!
My Practice
Tucson, Arizona
Make An Appointment
Schedule an Energy Healing session.
Attend a Qigong Class
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