Qigong Classes

‘Spirit Of The Trees’ Qigong

Spirit Of The Trees Qigong is a moving meditation that guides you home to your heart.

Qigong (pronounced chee-gong) is an ancient Chinese mind-body-spirit practice integrating gentle physical postures, breathing techniques and mental focus.

Qi = the energy that flows through all things in the Universe
Gong = working with, cultivating and moving the Qi

Qigong practice cultivates and skillfully employs the universal life force Qi for clearing, filling and balancing your own energetic systems for health & well-being. A regular Qigong practice will bring balance and harmony to your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellness. Anyone at any age can engage in a regular Spirit of the Trees Qigong practice to receive healing benefits.

“Looking into the dark Mystery brings clarity,
Knowing how to surrender is the greatest strength,
Cultivate your own Light and merge with the
Source of all Light.
That is the practice of Eternity.”
         ~ Lao Tzu

Weekly Qigong Class Schedule

Tuesdays, 9:00 am

Classes conducted at my home (indoors or backyard oasis, depending on weather) Seasonally classes can be held at Agua Caliente Park. Please contact me for more information.

Thursdays, 10:00 am at Himmel Park

Look for us just south of the Himmel Park library under a large shade tree.

Cost is $10 per class.

Classes will be held at these locations, weather permitting. If you have questions call 520-907-0769 for additional details.

In Barbara’s Spirit of the Trees Qigong class you will engage in simple flowing movements or postures, meditation, breathing techniques, and guided imagery to ground to earth energies.

Barbara welcomes new students with no experience along with those who are familiar with Qigong. You can receive healing benefits through this simple Qigong form, standing or seated. You will finish the class feeling relaxed and energized.

Ancient Chinese physicians believed that good health requires the body and mind to be in balance and harmony, and that people become ill physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually when the Universal Life force qi is blocked and not flowing. With this understanding, they prescribed physical exercises to cultivate their patients’ own vital energy. These simple fluid movements were designed to unite the energy or qi that flows through all things in the Universe to what flows inside the human mind and body.

As you practice, life sustaining qi blesses your mind~body~spirit~heart with nourishment, moving you to a place of balance, a place of calmness on all levels of your Being. As you quiet the mind over time, a new state of being begins to emerge, as you take that journey from your head to your heart and connect to a deeper awareness.

‘Spirit of the Trees’ Qigong DVD

$15 for immediate download, or $20 for a DVD mailed to your door.

Qigong group pic on Mt Lemmon

Qigong Testimonials

Gail - Tucson, Arizona

I was first introduced to Barbara’s “Spirit of the Trees” Qigong quite a few years ago. I began attending her sacred practice on a regular basis at Himmel park about 3 years now. Barbara begins class with inviting each student to introduce themselves ~first name only and if they would like to share their intention; how they want to feel at the end of class. Her welcoming smile, her gentle sense of humor along with her acknowledging each person sets the stage just right, as she seamlessly proceeds to guide us through this sacred healing practice of Qigong. Barbara’s class is one hour from her beginning “welcome everyone” to the class ending with everyone bowing and saying “Namaste!”

Her students feel her warmth and love throughout her practice and by the end of her class…her beautiful smile radiates Love & Joy. I always leave class renewed both physically and mentally knowing that I have received just what I needed to face the day ahead – with a smile!

Yvette Mathesen - Tucson, Arizona

I have been coming to Barbara’s Qigong class for 10 years. ”Spirit of the Trees” Qigong is a sacred healing practice and over time I have found by attending her class it has slowly brought me home to who I am.

In my 1st class I found myself shy, unable to make eye contact with Barbara or other students. My tears flowed as I slowly allowed myself to open to receive. I moved through the sacred postures guided by her beautiful loving words ~ taking them in to my heart I found myself slowly letting go of some old painful experiences.

Today a smile breaks over my face during her Qigong class and throughout my day. Barbara’s Qigong class is where I learned to feel, really feel that sacred feeling of peace, joy, love, acceptance, grounding and more. Barbara and her Qigong class helped me to actually begin to feel what was already inside of me. She along with her sacred practice helped me to connect to my heart along with my feelings. The peace that comes over me is so wonderful, I feel more connected to a deeper part of my Soul. My Qigong classes have opened me and the joy has spread from Qigong class to my life and family and friends.

During Barbara’s Qigong classes I immediately notice my feelings of love and peace and they are palpable. This incredible experience has opened my heart and my spiritual self.

Barbara and her incredible class and her students have become my tribe and my extended family. Barbara is the most loving teacher. She flows with each Qigong posture with a sense of grace, understanding, joy and with such Unconditional LOVE! I am so grateful for Barbara and her amazing “Spirit of the Trees” Qigong.

Much Love and Gratitude to you Barbara!

Charlotte - Tucson, AZ

I have been attending Barbara’s “Spirit of the Trees” Qigong class for 7 years.
Her Qigong postures are a soothing way to re-direct my focus from day to day
stressors to being present in the moment. Barbara is able to “tune in” to her
students and what they might need in her Qigong class that day.

Many times, she will say what a student or students might need to hear at that time. She is very intuitive and has the desire to assist others if they choose. In her Qigong class she encourages her students to share what is on their mind and this group sharing helps each person to think outside themselves to problem solve.

I highly recommend Barbara’s Qigong class!

What does it mean to be Grounded?

Grounding or Earthing is making an energetic connection to Mother Earth through the soles of our bare feet. This direct connection allows naturally occurring negative ions to be absorbed into the bloodstream, linking with the ions of our body.

When we are grounded, we feel more present, have more clarity of mind, and feel a sense of peace throughout our body. Grounding anchors our energy-chi in the lower half of our body bringing calm and stability.

Walk barefoot outdoors and feel the earth on the soles of your feet and between your toes. Inhale deeply and feel yourself aligning with the electromagnetic field of the earth. This exchange helps to keep our mind-body energies in balance with the natural world, creating a physiological response that relaxes our nervous system, supports our health, and balances bodily systems.

The sacred practice of Qigong incorporates grounding. In “Spirit of the Trees” Qigong we align our energy in harmony with the electromagnetic field of the earth. Grounding is a powerful practice that can anchor us firmly to earth, allowing connection to our true essence, and bringing balance to every aspect of our Being.

Sandy feet
Woman grounding in forest

The simple practice of grounding has been credited with health benefits, such as:

  • reducing inflammation
  • pain reduction
  • boosting immune system
  • lowering blood pressure
  • calming anxiety
  • improving sleep
  • reducing headaches & migraines
  • and reducing the effects of stress.

And as we Ground to earth, we come to realize that we are not separate from the earth, but deeply interconnected.

For more information, I recommend Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever! by Clinton Ober, Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D., Martin Zucker.


The viewer assumes all risks when using the information provided herein. This video’s authors, owners, and affiliates disclaim any and all liability from the information provided herein. Any health-related information provided in our video is not intended as a replacement for professional consultations with qualified practitioners. None of the information provided by this video is intended to treat or cure any disease or to offer any specific diagnosis to any individual.

Spirit of the Trees Qigong and Healing Touch contains information intended to assist you in improving your health and well-being and presented to you for information and educational purposes and is not a substitute for medical care. Use your own discretion and work within your own limits when performing any postures. Professional medical advice is recommended if you have any reservations about performing any techniques, postures, or routines presented in our video or on our website.

We want the best for you, your practice, and your health!

My Practice


Tucson, Arizona

Make An Appointment

Schedule an Energy Healing session.

Attend a Qigong Class

* Click here for schedule *